Month: June 2007

  • Reading the long version

    The long version is back? Or blog-style is just the coming thing for all Web sites? Tags: web design

  • We’ll be showing the redesign on the radio

    I’ll be on George Korda’s “State Your Case” radio show on Sunday (July 1) at noon, NewsTalk 100, talking about and answering questions on the redesign of, a free and whatever else. Tune in. I’m sure I’m not exciting enough for the whole three hours (it’s on from noon to 3), but maybe…

  • The evolution of knoxnews

    We’ve launched a new today. I thought some folks might like to see the last three designs of knoxnews (sorry, not sure if I have one from further back, unfortunately). The first was used for three or four years and was “retired” in April 2005. We thought it was very tired by then. The…