Month: August 2007

  • Soul jogging

    For my muggy Sunday mid-morning jog, I listened to the sweet blue-eyed soul sounds of Marc Broussard’s S.O.S.: Save Our Soul, which was released the last week of June. The video above is of the first single from the album. Man, he can do justice to a good soul tune. More Marc Broussard videos on…

  • Find sex offenders around your neighborhood

    A lot of the “mashups” (a web application combing data from more than one source) I see only cover San Francisco or California or maybe just a few major metro areas, but here’s one that includes data on Knoxville — and it’s useful too. Vision 20/20 has created a nationwide sexual offender database/map mashup. Go…

  • Yo, we’re moving things around (again)

    Made the jump to using for my RSS feeds.  There shouldn’t be any issues for existing people who follow my feed. I redirected the old links. But if something doesn’t work for you, let me know. And subscribe to my feed.