Month: September 2007

  • Pssst, the game has changed

    Journalism icon Seymour Hersh on online journalism:     JJ: New York magazine has a profile this week of Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report, and they call him “America’s Most Influential Journalist.” What have bloggers like Drudge done to journalism, and how do you think it compares to the muckrakers that you came of age…

  • Could you reboot my table?

    Miss, could you reboot my table? Melissa Worden notes tabletop surfing is becoming a reality. Tully’s Coffee in San Francisco is installing tables with touch screen PCs to allow patrons free access to the hometown newspaper’s Web site,, as they nurse their java. The tabletop PCs are made by TableTouch. The company calls it…

  • On being there (Florida version)

    Megan Taylor, writing on News Videographer, has an interesting covering-the-coverage piece on last week’s Andrew Meyer “Tasergate” story. Ah, Internet-attention-span-readers, remember back to early last week before Chris Crocker’s whole Brittney thing to the University of Florida student Tasered by police during a John Kerry campaign event on campus. OK, here’s the story which is…