Month: June 2008

  • Art in numbers

    Knoxville artists by number Actors 85 Announcers 255 Architects 465 Fine artists, art directors, animators 570 Dancers and choreographers 60 Designers 1,730 Entertainers and performers 105 Musicians and singers 600 Photographers 380 Producers and directors 395 Writers and authors 390 Artists in the Workforce, 1990-2005,  a May 2008 research report from the National Endowment for…

  • If you’re first, you’re fired

    What a message in the breaking news age. The person who posted the death of Tim Russert on Wikipedia has apparently been fired, least that’s what NBC sources say they’ve been told. The Wikipedia entry on Tim Russert seems to be first report of the death, well before NBC, other TV networks or the Associated…

  • Tag a site hyperlocal and it’s doomed

    The problem with creating a hyperlocal site is once you call it that, it’s doomed. Doomed to be irrelevant. Doomed to be ignored? Doomed to be abhorred by advertisers. That’s my spin on a topic posed by Andy Dickinson in this month’s Carnival of Journalism. His question for all the carnival writers was roughly around…