Visit here and you’ll be smarter and richer

I’m a sucker for stats and lists so obivously I would be drawn to looking at Quantcast. I use Google Analytics for stats for this site, look at my Feedburner stats for RSS and have played around with Google’s new Ad Planner, but I decided to see what relative newcomer Quantcast had to say.

Quantcast estimated 2,926 people look at the site in a month (based on its panel estimates). That’s quite a bit different than the unique visitor number in Google Analytics, but I’ve found most panel approaches vary widely from direct measures. It ranks No. 311,106 in Quantcast’s list of top sites, tied with a slew of other sites with about the same number of people visiting.. Oh well.

Here’s it’s demographic breakdown for this site based on an average being an index of 100.

Or as Quantcast says: “An index represents how a site’s audience compares to the online internet population as a whole. If a site’s index is below 100 for a particular attribute, its audience makeup relative to the total internet population is smaller than average. If larger than 100, its concentration of audience is higher than the internet population. An index of 100 indicates a site’s audience is at parity with the total internet population.”

Looks a little geek nerdy to me, but Quantcast is a bit more charitable:  “This site reaches approximately 2,926 U.S. monthly people. The site appeals to a somewhat male, more affluent, more educated, 35-49 crowd.”

My spin? If you look at this site, you’ll be smarter and richer than average.

Quantcast Demographics