Month: July 2008

  • Improve this post with comments

    My publisher sent me several emails over the weekend about complaints about hateful, invective, acidic and just generally mean-spirited reader comments on our newspaper Web sites. And the comments in question met all those tests – and then some. They had already been removed for the most part after being flagged by users. But one…

  • Let’s make gazillions in ad revenue with no ads

    It seems if you can get the model right, there is a revenue growth opportunity in content even in these tumultuous times. Leave it to Google (well, we did) to figure out how to make $100 million in advertising revenue from pages with no ads — or content of its own. I still find it…

  • The itinerary of my blog visitors

    They say you can tell a lot of about a person by the company she keeps. Amazon tries to make that work for shopping with its recommendation engine … we noticed you’ve bought this so you may be interested in this. Sometimes it hits the bullseye and sometimes it far misses the mark, like when…