Author: Jack Lail

  • Technically speaking …

    I upgraded last night to Movable Type version 4.2 RC1 (a beta). Living bold! I also added three OpenID plugins and turned on some internal login features. This is the good news: Users can now log to make comments with their AOL/AIM screen name or their Yahoo, WordPress, Vox, and LiveJournal user ids in addition…

  • A local connection to a viral infection by Weezer

    Weezer – Pork And BeansUploaded by Weezer The band Weezer has a viral hit of a video by spoofing viral videos. This week it’s the No. 1 viral video. At YouTube today: Added: 1 week agoViews: 5,330,026 Duh! ValleyWag said: “Weezer understands how to work YouTube: allude to these 24 viral videos.” Susan Mernit said…

  • Serious news can be fun

    I’m thinking this is the type of site that would rate positively with the subjects in the AP’s new study on youth-adult readers. It fun and short! Test your who-must-have-said-that skills at Looks to be from the Sunlight foundation. The full AP study, A New Model for News,  Studying the Deep Structure of Young-Adult…