Author: Jack Lail

  • Encyclopedia Braun creates a journo-New Media reading list

    Want a human filtered stream of blog postings from selected new-media-and-journalism blogs? Josh Braun, a journalist, researcher and teaching assistant at Cornell University, has created one.  He says: “I’ve created a combined RSS feed, not of this site, but of around 30 cool new-media-and-journalism blogs from around the web.  It will send out about 10…

  • Original content curators

    This Old House, a Time Inc. magazine, is changing the name of its June issue to “Your Old House,” because it will consist entirely of user-submitted content. Time magazine managing editor Richard Stengel says that: the future of journalists is “to be more curators and less creators.” (via I Want Media and The Power of…

  • A joke is journalism

    We’ve all heard the cliche “journalism is a joke.” In a sort of dog bites man story, a joke is developing into journalism. What began as a parody of “the real” Shel Israel featuring a sock puppet has actually started to develop in an interview series that serves up news, according to Mashable’s Mark “Rizzn”…